Nancy Shamanna's Archive

Nancy Shamanna lives in Calgary, Canada, and was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2009 at the age of 58. Since then, she has been successfully treated with induction therapy, a stem cell trans­plant, and maintenance therapy. She was left with bone damage which she hopes will remain at a stable level. Nancy, who has two adult children, is currently working for her husband's busy medical practice. She has been a school and community volunteer for many years. Her current hobbies in­clude singing in a choir, stitching with a local needle and fiber arts guild, and discussing interesting authors in a book club. She is also actively involved with other myeloma patients and caregivers in her area of Alberta, Canada.

Nancy Shamanna has written 97 article(s) .

[ by | Nov 14, 2019 5:57 pm | 25 Comments ]
Northern Lights: My First Six Weeks On Darzalex, Revlimid, And Dexamethasone

As you may remember from my pre­vi­ous column, I started treat­ment with Darzalex, Revlimid, and dexa­meth­a­sone in early Octo­ber.

By now, I have re­ceived six weekly Darzalex (dara­tu­mu­mab) in­fusions, and quite a bit has hap­pened as I adjust to being on a new regi­men.

After the first in­fusion, I had a mild cough that turned into quite a deep, hacking cough. I could hardly sleep for a week. It didn’t appear to be a "productive" cough, so I …

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[ by | Oct 12, 2019 3:03 pm | 26 Comments ]
Northern Lights: Starting Treatment With Darzalex

As I mentioned in my recent columns, my M-spike and serum free light chain levels have been rising over the past few months, in­di­cating I might have to start treat­ment in the near future. The reprieve from med­i­ca­tions this year had been really nice, but in the world of myeloma, it seems to be wishful thinking that my dis­ease would suddenly halt and disappear without help from the drugs avail­able to us now.

So, earlier this month, upon consultation …

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[ by | Aug 28, 2019 12:12 pm | 8 Comments ]
Northern Lights: Preparing For What May Lie Ahead

As I have related in pre­vi­ous columns, I am cur­rently in a stable con­di­tion with a low level of myeloma protein in my blood. This status has allowed me to be off treat­ments since the beginning of the year. My multiple myeloma is closely monitored in that I get blood tests every four to six weeks. I am cur­rently basically in a "watch and wait" situation until the time when I may have to start treat­ment again.

At first I …

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[ by | Jul 15, 2019 6:53 pm | 21 Comments ]
Northern Lights: Celebrating A Decade Since Diagnosis

It’s summer here in Calgary, and sunshine and showers are alter­nat­ing. Everything is green, and the gardens are a joy to behold. It’s not too warm; in fact, our daytime high tem­per­a­tures on the colder days have been only 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius).

This is good weather for walking, and my husband and I got out cycling on Canada Day, July 1. We went along the Bow River path­way for a few miles, and really enjoyed seeing …

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[ by | Jun 14, 2019 11:22 am | 8 Comments ]
Northern Lights: Sunshine And Shadow

I feel fortunate that, as a myeloma patient, I still am able to lead a rel­a­tive­ly nor­mal life at this point in time. I am feeling particularly well right now since I went off of myeloma medications this past January.

My current state of health allows me to be very active and involved in my growing family. These days, a typical day of mine consists of exercising, gardening, housework, shopping, and looking after babies and toddlers (I am a …

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[ by | May 17, 2019 11:10 am | 13 Comments ]
Northern Lights: Having A PET/CT Scan

Recently, my myeloma specialist sent me for a PET/CT scan. I have had many annual skeletal X-ray scans, but since I now have had two cancers (multiple myeloma and breast cancer), and the PET/CT pro­ce­dure scans more deeply into the bones and tissue than regular x-rays, this seemed like a good idea.

Results of the scan will provide a base­line for my health going for­ward. If there were any hotspots of fast- growing can­cer­ous tissue cells in my sys­tem, …

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[ by | Mar 23, 2019 12:35 pm | 4 Comments ]
Northern Lights: My Real And Imaginary Menagerie

It has been a very cold winter here in Calgary since the end of this January. Having arctic tem­per­a­tures of below -4 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 degrees Celsius) for many days in a row has been stressful for people and for wild­life. We people can bundle up in our parkas, boots, and down mitts to get outdoors for a walk on a sunny day. We can also drive to a shopping mall to walk around there, or go to the gym …

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