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Breckenridge Announces Final Approval Of Its ANDA For Pomalidomide Capsules (Generic For Pomalyst)

Published: Nov 13, 2020 4:27 pm
Breckenridge Announces Final Approval Of Its ANDA For Pomalidomide Capsules (Generic For Pomalyst)

Berlin, CT (Press Release) – Breckenridge Pharma­ceu­tical, Inc. an­nounced to­day that the U.S. Food and Drug Admin­istra­tion has ap­prov­ed Breckenridge's Abbreviated New Drug Appli­ca­tion for Poma­lido­mide Capsules (generic for Pomalyst®).

Breckenridge has part­nered with Natco Pharma Limited for the de­vel­op­ment and manu­fac­ture of this prod­uct. According to in­dus­try sales data, Pomalyst had annual sales of $957 mil­lion during the twelve months ending Sep­tem­ber 2020. Celgene, Breckenridge and Natco have set­tled the U.S. district court lit­i­ga­tion with respect to this prod­uct.

About Breckenridge

Breckenridge Pharma­ceu­tical, Inc., a sub­sid­i­ary of Towa Pharma­ceu­tical (Osaka, Japan), part­ners with manu­fac­turers nationwide and around the world to bring quality, cost-effective ge­ner­ic pharma­ceu­ticals to U.S. patients. With our ded­i­ca­tion to customer service, on-time de­livery, reliable supply and quality manu­fac­tur­ing, we im­prove the health and lives of the patients we and our customers serve.


About Natco

Natco Pharma Limited is global ge­ner­ic pharma­ceu­tical re­search, de­vel­op­ment, manu­fac­tur­ing and mar­ket­ing com­pany. The com­pany was estab­lished in 1981 in India. Natco supplies pharma­ceu­tical prod­ucts to over 50 countries across the globe, in­clud­ing the United States. Natco focuses on the de­vel­op­ment and manu­fac­tur­ing of on­col­ogy and other spe­cial­ty pharma­ceu­ticals.

*All brand names and trade­marks are the prop­er­ty of their re­spec­tive owners.

Source: Breckenridge Pharma­ceu­tical.

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