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ChemioCare Announces Initiation Of PETT Based (Permeation Enhanced Transdermal Technology) Lenalidomide Program

Published: Apr 23, 2019 8:00 am
ChemioCare Announces Initiation Of PETT Based (Permeation Enhanced Transdermal Technology) Lenalidomide Program

New York, NY (Press Release) – ChemioCare USA Inc. (“ChemioCare” or the “Company”), a plat­form com­pany focused on pro­pri­e­tary trans­dermal delivery, announced today the Company is initiating devel­op­ment of a trans­dermal for­mu­la­tion of lena­lido­mide, which is cur­rently marketed in an oral form. ChemioCare believes that by applying its permeation en­hanced trans­dermal tech­nology (PETT), it can poten­tially target and deliver the optimal con­tin­uous lena­lido­mide AUC (drug level area under the curve) that may lead to reduced drug toxicity and im­prove­ment in the over­all safety profile of the drug. These im­prove­ments can be ex­pec­ted to allow patients to stay on their treat­ment longer with fewer dose inter­rup­tions while im­prov­ing their quality of life. The benefits of trans­dermal delivery may transform lena­lido­mide PETT into a new superior drug profile.

Lenalidomide is the standard of care for the treat­ment of multiple myeloma, and is also indicated for the treat­ment of certain forms of myelo­dys­plastic syn­drome and mantle cell lym­phoma. In 2018, revenues reached $9.6 billion globally with $6.5 billion in the US. The branded form is pro­jected to con­tinue to grow at double digit growth rates in the coming years. Lena­lido­mide rep­re­sents a major well-established blockbuster prod­uct with no clear replacement in devel­op­ment in the world of Oncology. Lena­lido­mide is ex­pec­ted to ex­peri­ence first generic entries in 2021 or 2022.

ChemioCare conducted a systematic assess­ment of feasibility and market poten­tial to identify PETT trans­dermal reformulation targets from the thousands of poten­tial oppor­tu­ni­ties that exist. These oppor­tu­ni­ties were further refined to select key patches which fit in the tech­nology and may have the poten­tial to benefit patients the most. “We are delighted to launch the first pro­gram out of the PETT prioritization project, which has the poten­tial to transform the multiple myeloma treat­ment paradigm,” said Pedro Lichtinger, Chairman and CEO.

The char­ac­ter­istics of our novel PETT plat­form provide a broad horizon to im­prove the delivery of many drugs to achieve superiority or enable new indi­ca­tions. Drugs delivered by PETT can be devel­oped to target optimal blood levels for prolonged periods of time thereby minimizing the high and low blood levels asso­ci­ated with toxicities or treat­ment failure. “PETT tech­nology works like a con­tin­uous injection of drug into the blood stream that can be precisely delivered to provide the right amount of drug to work without providing too much drug which can cause toxicity,” said Dr. Jamie Oliver, CMO. Dr Oliver further stated that “in the case of lena­lido­mide, both efficacy and toxicity are asso­ci­ated with its AUC and oral medications just are not able to precisely main­tain the optimal blood levels over the dosing in­ter­val.”

About ChemioCare

A bio­technology com­pany focused on im­prov­ing the profiles of medicines through its pro­pri­e­tary permeation en­hanced trans­dermal tech­nology (PETT). The plat­form tech­nology uniquely combines high flux and sustained release into a matrix drug in adhesive patch. ChemioCare has 3 patches in devel­op­ment for cancer and cancer sup­port­ive care. Its lead pro­grams are ex­pec­ted to enter phase 3 pivotal studies late 2019. Each prod­uct leverages the 505(b)2 regu­la­tory path and is aiming at estab­lish­ing im­proved efficacy, a new indi­ca­tion, and reduced or elim­i­nated side effects from originator prod­ucts. To learn more, visit www.chemio.care .

Cautions Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release con­tains forward-looking state­ments that are subject to risks and un­cer­tain­ties. These forward-looking state­ments in­clude in­for­ma­tion about possible or assumed future results of the business, financial con­di­tion, liquidity, results of operations, plans and objectives. In some cases, you may identify forward-looking state­ments by words such as "may," "should," "plan," "intend," "potential," "continue," "believe," "expect," "predict," "antic­i­pate" and "estimate," the neg­a­tive of these words or other com­parable words. These state­ments are only predictions. One should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking state­ments. The forward-looking state­ments are qualified by their terms and/or im­por­tant factors, many of which are outside the Company's control, involve a number of risks, un­cer­tain­ties and other factors that could cause actual results and events to differ ma­teri­ally from the state­ments made. The forward-looking state­ments are based on the com­pany's beliefs, assump­tions and ex­pec­ta­tions of future per­for­mance, taking into account in­for­ma­tion cur­rently avail­able to the Company. Neither the Company, nor any other person assumes re­spon­si­bil­ity­ for the accuracy or com­pleteness of these state­ments. Infor­ma­tion in this press release will be updated only to the extent required under appli­­cable laws. If a change occurs, business, financial con­di­tion, liquidity and results of operations may vary ma­teri­ally for from those expressed in the aforementioned forward-looking state­ments.

Source: ChemioCare.

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