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Genmab Announces That The Patents Asserted Against Darzalex In The United States Have Been Declared Invalid By Summary Judgment

Published: Jan 26, 2019 9:14 am

Patents asserted against Janssen Biotech, Inc. & Genmab in the United States have been declared invalid by summary judg­ment

Genmab Announces That The Patents Asserted Against Darzalex In The United States Have Been Declared Invalid By Summary Judgment Copenhagen, Denmark (Press Release) – Genmab A/S (Nasdaq Copenhagen: GEN) announced today that the U.S. District Court of Delaware has declared the three U.S. patents (Nos. 8,263,746, 9,200,061, and 9,758,590), asserted by MorphoSys AG against Genmab and Genmab’s col­lab­o­ration partner Janssen Biotech, Inc. (Janssen) are invalid by summary judg­ment. The patent infringement lawsuit was ini­ti­ated by MorphoSys against Genmab and Janssen in April 2016 asserting that activ­i­ties with DARZALEX (dara­tu­mu­mab) in the United States infringe its U.S. patents, and the case has been pend­ing before the U.S. District Court of Delaware. The summary judg­ment order declared all three patents invalid due to lack of enablement. As a result of this de­ci­sion, the jury trial scheduled for Feb­ru­ary 2019 will not take place. MorphoSys has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to appeal the district court de­ci­sion to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC). In addi­tion, during the case a further claim by Janssen and Genmab was in­cluded in the case that the three MorphoSys patents were unenforceable due to inequitable conduct by MorphoSys. That issue remains to be decided.

About Genmab

Genmab is a publicly traded, inter­na­tional bio­technology com­pany specializing in the creation and devel­op­ment of dif­fer­en­ti­ated anti­body thera­peutics for the treat­ment of cancer. Founded in 1999, the com­pany has two approved anti­bodies, DARZALEX® (dara­tu­mu­mab) for the treat­ment of cer­tain multiple myeloma indi­ca­tions, and Arzerra® (ofatumumab) for the treat­ment of cer­tain chronic lym­pho­cytic leukemia indi­ca­tions. Dara­tu­mu­mab is in clin­i­cal devel­op­ment for addi­tional multiple myeloma indi­ca­tions and other blood cancers. A sub­cu­tane­ous for­mu­la­tion of ofatumumab is in devel­op­ment for relapsing multiple sclerosis. Genmab also has a broad clin­i­cal and pre-clinical prod­uct pipe­line. Genmab's tech­nology base consists of val­i­dated and pro­pri­e­tary next generation anti­body tech­nolo­gies - the DuoBody® plat­form for generation of bispecific anti­bodies, the HexaBody® plat­form, which creates effector function en­hanced anti­bodies and the HexElect™ plat­form, which combines two co-dependently acting HexaBody molecules to introduce selectivity while maximizing thera­peutic potency. The com­pany in­tends to leverage these tech­nolo­gies to create oppor­tu­ni­ties for full or co-ownership of future prod­ucts. Genmab has alliances with top tier pharma­ceu­tical and bio­technology com­pa­nies. For more in­for­ma­tion visit www.genmab.com.

Cautions Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This Com­pany Announcement con­tains for­ward looking state­ments. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend” and “plan” and similar ex­pres­sions identify for­ward looking state­ments. Actual results or per­for­mance may differ ma­teri­ally from any future results or per­for­mance ex­pressed or implied by such state­ments. The im­por­tant factors that could cause our actual results or per­for­mance to differ ma­teri­ally in­clude, among others, risks asso­ci­ated with pre-clinical and clin­i­cal devel­op­ment of prod­ucts, un­cer­tain­ties related to the out­come and conduct of clin­i­cal trials in­­clud­ing un­fore­seen safety issues, un­cer­tain­ties related to prod­uct manu­fac­tur­ing, the lack of mar­ket acceptance of our prod­ucts, our in­abil­ity to man­age growth, the competitive en­viron­ment in rela­tion­ to our business area and mar­kets, our in­abil­ity to attract and retain suitably qualified per­son­nel, the un­en­force­ability or lack of pro­tec­tion of our patents and pro­pri­e­tary rights, our rela­tion­ships with affiliated entities, changes and devel­op­ments in tech­nology which may render our prod­ucts obsolete, and other factors. For a further discussion of these risks, please refer to the risk man­agement sections in Genmab’s most recent fi­nan­cial reports, which are avail­able on www.genmab.com. Genmab does not under­take any obli­ga­tion to update or revise for­ward looking state­ments in this Com­pany Announcement nor to con­firm such state­ments to reflect sub­se­quent events or cir­cum­stances after the date made or in rela­tion­ to actual results, unless required by law.

Genmab A/S and/or its sub­sid­i­aries own the fol­low­ing trademarks: Genmab®; the Y-shaped Genmab logo®; Genmab in com­bi­na­tion with the Y-shaped Genmab logo®; HuMax®; DuoBody®; DuoBody in com­bi­na­tion with the DuoBody logo®; HexaBody®; HexaBody in com­bi­na­tion with the HexaBody logo®; DuoHexaBody™; HexElect™; and UniBody®. Arzerra® is a trademark of Novartis AG or its affiliates. DARZALEX® is a trademark of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV.

Source: Genmab.

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