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Cellectar Granted Seminal U.S. Patent For Phospholipid-Ether Analogs As Cancer-Targeting Drug Vehicles

Published: Mar 27, 2018 8:00 am

Covers composition of mat­ter and method of use for pro­pri­e­tary PDCs™ in com­bi­na­tion with anti-cancer agents

Cellectar Granted Seminal U.S. Patent For Phospholipid-Ether Analogs As Cancer-Targeting Drug Vehicles Madison, WI (Press Release) – Cellectar Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq:CLRB), a clin­i­cal-stage bio­pharma­ceu­tical com­pany focused on the discovery, de­vel­op­ment and com­mer­cial­i­za­tion of targeted treat­ments for cancer, an­nounces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted pat­ent num­ber 9,345,718, titled “Phospholipid-Ether Analogs as Cancer-Targeting Drug Vehicles,” re­lated to the com­pany’s phos­pho­lipid-ether analogs for targeting anticancer thera­peutics to tumors and cancer stem cells.

“This seminal pat­ent provides Cellectar with broad pro­tec­tion for Phospholipid Drug Conjugate™ (PDC™) prod­ucts created with our phos­pho­lipid ether tech­nology, as well as the freedom to op­er­ate that is nec­es­sary to maximize the value of the plat­form,” stated Jim Caruso, chief exec­u­tive officer of Cellectar Biosciences. “The de­livery tech­nology forms the back­bone of our lead PDC can­di­date, CLR 131, which con­tinues to ad­vance in clin­i­cal trials for a variety of hema­to­logic and solid tumors.”

The new pat­ent pro­tects both composition of mat­ter and method of use for PDCs devel­oped with Cellectar's pro­pri­e­tary phos­pho­lipid-ether de­livery vehicle con­ju­gated with any known or in-develop­ment anti-cancer agent, in­clud­ing the com­pany’s pipe­line of in­ternal and part­nered PDC pro­grams de­signed for targeted de­livery to cancer cells and cancer stem cells.

About Phospholipid Drug Conjugates™

Cellectar's prod­uct can­di­dates are built upon a pat­ented de­livery and retention plat­form that uti­lizes op­ti­mized PDCs to target cancer cells. The PDC plat­form is used to sel­ectively de­liver diverse onco­logic pay­loads to can­cer­ous cells and cancer stem cells, in­clud­ing hema­to­logic cancers and solid tumors. This sel­ective de­livery allows a pay­loads’ thera­peutic window to be modified, which may main­tain or en­hance drug potency while reducing the num­ber and severity of adverse events. This plat­form takes ad­van­tage of a metabolic path­way uti­lized by all tumor cell types in all cell cycle stages. Com­pared with other targeted de­livery plat­forms, the PDC plat­form’s mech­a­nism of entry does not rely upon spe­cif­ic cell surface epitopes or an­ti­gens. In addi­tion, PDCs can be con­ju­gated to mol­e­cules in nu­mer­ous ways, thereby in­creas­ing the types of mol­e­cules sel­ectively de­liv­ered. Cellectar be­lieves the PDC plat­form holds poten­tial for the discovery and de­vel­op­ment of the next gen­er­a­tion of cancer-targeting agents.

About Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.

Cellectar Biosciences is focused on the discovery, de­vel­op­ment and com­mer­cial­i­za­tion of drugs for the treat­ment of cancer. The com­pany plans to de­vel­op pro­pri­e­tary drugs in­de­pen­dent­ly and through re­search and de­vel­op­ment (R&D) col­lab­o­rations. The core drug de­vel­op­ment strat­e­gy is to leverage our PDC plat­form to de­vel­op thera­peutics that spe­cif­i­cally target treat­ment to cancer cells. Through R&D col­lab­o­rations, the com­pany’s strat­e­gy is to gen­er­ate near-term capital, supple­ment in­ternal resources, gain access to novel mol­e­cules or pay­loads, ac­cel­er­ate prod­uct can­di­date de­vel­op­ment and broaden our pro­pri­e­tary and part­nered prod­uct pipe­lines.

The com­pany's lead PDC thera­peutic, CLR 131, is in a Phase 1 clin­i­cal study in patients with re­lapsed or re­frac­tory (R/R) mul­ti­ple myeloma (MM) and a Phase 2 clin­i­cal study in R/R MM and a range of B-cell malig­nan­cies. In 2018 the com­pany plans to ini­ti­ate a Phase 1 study with CLR 131 in pedi­atric solid tumors and lym­phoma, and a sec­ond Phase 1 study in com­bi­na­tion with ex­ternal beam radi­a­tion for head and neck cancer. The com­pany’s prod­uct pipe­line also in­cludes two pre­clin­i­cal PDC chemo­ther­a­peu­tic pro­grams (CLR 1700 and 1900) and part­nered assets in­clude PDCs from mul­ti­ple R&D col­lab­o­rations.

For more in­for­ma­tion please visit www.cellectar.com.

Forward-Looking State­ment Disclaimer

This news re­lease con­tains for­ward-looking state­ments. You can identify these state­ments by our use of words such as "may," "expect," "be­lieve," "antic­i­pate," "intend," "could," "esti­mate," "con­tinue," "plans," or their neg­a­tives or cognates. These state­ments are only esti­mates and predictions and are subject to known and unknown risks and un­cer­tainties that may cause actual future ex­peri­ence and results to differ ma­teri­ally from the state­ments made. These state­ments are based on our cur­rent beliefs and ex­pec­ta­tions as to such future out­comes. Drug discovery and de­vel­op­ment in­volve a high degree of risk. Factors that might cause such a ma­teri­al dif­fer­ence in­clude, among others, un­cer­tainties re­lated to the ability to raise addi­tional capital, un­cer­tainties re­lated to the ability to attract and retain part­ners for our tech­nolo­gies, the identi­fi­ca­tion of lead com­pounds, the suc­cess­ful pre­clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment thereof, the com­ple­tion of clin­i­cal trials, the FDA review process and other gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tion, our pharma­ceu­tical col­lab­o­rators' ability to suc­cess­fully de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize drug can­di­dates, com­pe­ti­tion from other pharma­ceu­tical com­pa­nies, prod­uct pricing and third-party reim­burse­ment. A com­plete description of risks and un­cer­tainties re­lated to our business is con­tained in our periodic reports filed with the Se­cu­ri­ties and Ex­change Com­mis­sion in­clud­ing our Form 10-K for the year ended De­cem­ber 31, 2017. These for­ward-looking state­ments are made only as of the date hereof, and we disclaim any obli­ga­tion to up­date any such for­ward-looking state­ments.

Source: Cellectar Biosciences.

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