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Triphase Accelerator Announces Acquisition Of Its First Compound, Marizomib, By Celgene Corporation

Published: Nov 17, 2016 8:20 pm

Marizomib is a novel brain-penetrant pro­te­a­some inhibitor in devel­op­ment for patients with glioblastoma and re­lapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma.

Toronto, ON and San Diego, CA (Press Release) – Triphase Accelerator Corpo­ra­tion, a private drug de­vel­op­ment com­pany dedicated to ad­vanc­ing novel com­­pounds through Phase 2 proof-of-concept, today an­nounced that Celgene Corpo­ra­tion, through an affiliate, has acquired the com­pany’s assets related to its pro­te­a­some inhibitor, marizomib (MRZ), which is in devel­op­ment for glioblastoma and re­lapsed and/or re­frac­tory multiple myeloma.

Under the terms of the agree­ment, Celgene will make an upfront payment plus addi­tional regu­la­tory, ap­prov­al and sales mile­stone payments. Specific financial terms were not disclosed. “This acquisition vali­dates the poten­tial of marizomib based on early clin­i­cal results. Our vision is to become a leading early stage on­col­ogy drug devel­op­ment com­pany, and this first opt-in by Celgene brings us a step closer to achieving that goal,” said Mohit Trikha, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, Triphase Accelerator Corpo­ra­tion. “Just as importantly, this trans­­action affords us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to accelerate our efforts on ad­vanc­ing other assets in our pipe­line.”

“Consistent with our deep commitment and passion for the patients, glioblastoma is an area of sig­nif­i­cant unmet medical need, and Celgene is committed to helping these patients. We are pleased with Triphase Accelerator’s rapid and high quality work to date, and we value the exceptional col­lab­o­ration we have with them to ad­vance marizomib,” said Celgene’s Pres­i­dent of Hematology Oncology, Michael Pehl.

Going forward Celgene has full responsibility for the devel­op­ment of marizomib and will pay Triphase to com­plete the ongoing clin­i­cal studies with marizomib, in­­clud­ing a Phase 1 study in re­lapsed refractory multiple myeloma, a Phase 2 study in recurrent glioma and a Phase 1 study in newly diag­nosed glioma.

About Marizomib

Marizomib is a novel, brain-penetrant pro­te­a­some inhibitor, which inhibits all three pro­te­a­some subunits.

Triphase Accelerator is devel­op­ing marizomib in both in­tra­venous (IV) and oral formulations as a pro­tea­some inhibitor for hema­to­logic malig­nan­cies and solid tumors. The IV formulation has been eval­u­ated in more than 300 patients in multiple clin­i­cal studies in patients with solid and hema­to­logic malig­nan­cies, either as a single agent or in com­bi­na­tion with dexa­metha­sone, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, or an immuno­modu­latory drug.

The com­pany is cur­rently eval­u­ating marizomib in a proof-of-concept clin­i­cal study in com­bi­na­tion with beva­cizu­mab (Avastin®) in patients with Grade IV malignant glioma (glioblastoma), and has received Orphan Drug desig­na­tion for marizomib in glioblastoma in the United States from the FDA. In addi­tion, Triphase Accelerator is cur­rently devel­op­ing marizomib in com­bi­na­tion with poma­lido­mide and dexa­metha­sone in patients with re­lapsed and refractory multiple myeloma, and has received Orphan Drug desig­na­tion for marizomib in multiple myeloma in the United States and the European Union. Triphase Accelerator is also eval­u­ating an oral formulation in pre­clin­i­cal studies.

Marizomib has not been approved for any use in any country.

About Triphase Accelerator

Triphase Accelerator is a private drug devel­op­ment com­pany with a pri­mary focus on on­col­ogy and with operations in Toronto and San Diego. Triphase Accelerator is dedicated to ad­vanc­ing novel com­­pounds through Phase 2 proof-of-concept clin­i­cal studies using a unique, science-based, high-quality model that is faster and more cost-effective than traditional pharma­ceu­tical and bio­tech industry drug devel­op­ment ap­proaches. Triphase Accelerator was spun out of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR), with sup­port from the Fight Against Cancer Innovation Trust (FACIT), MaRS Innovation and MaRS. It has a strategic rela­tion­ship with Celgene for marizomib. For more in­­for­ma­tion, visit www.triphaseco.com or LinkedIn.

Source: Triphase Accelerator.

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