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Iceni Pharmaceuticals Launches as New Company

Published: May 25, 2016 3:00 am

 Focusing on Repurposing Therapies in the Field of Oncology

Edinburgh, Scotland (Press Release) – Iceni Pharma­ceu­ticals announces its launch as a new com­pany, focusing on devel­op­ing repurposed and reformulated cancer ther­a­pies. The com­pany’s lead prod­uct Cilcane® (generic name cilengitide) is being repurposed by Iceni as a first-in-class treat­ment for multiple myeloma. Iceni has dem­onstrated in pre-clinical studies that Cilcane® is effective as a com­bi­na­tion ther­apy when given with pro­te­a­some inhibitors such as bor­tez­o­mib, and that this ap­proach may also be appli­­cable to breast and other cancers. Iceni has a broad intellectual property portfolio covering the formulation and methods of use of Cilcane®. Cilengitide was formerly in late-stage clin­i­cal trials in glioblastoma with Merck Serono.

Iceni Pharma­ceu­ticals is planning a Phase II safety/efficacy trial of Cilcane® starting in 2017 aimed at re­lapsed refractory patients who have already received one prior ther­apy of pro­te­a­some inhibitor. The Company has appointed several leading author­i­ties on cilengitide and multiple myeloma to its scientific advisory board, in­­clud­ing:

  • Annalisa Jenkins, previously Head of Global Research & Development at Merck Serono, during the time cilengitide was in development.
  • Dr Bruno Osterwalder, previously Senior VP (Oncology) at Merck Serono.
  • Gareth Morgan, MD, PhD, FRCP, FRCPath, Professor of medicine and pathology and director of the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), one of the world’s foremost myeloma treatment centres.
  • Prof. Dr Horst Kessler, Munich Technical University, and a named inventor of cilengitide.

Dr John March, CEO at Iceni Pharma­ceu­ticals, commented: “We are excited by the prospect of repurposing cilengitide as a novel com­bi­na­tion ther­apy for the treat­ment of multiple myeloma and build­ing on its estab­lish­ed safety profile to im­prove the clin­i­cal out­come and quality of life of patients. Our prestigious team of world-renowned scientific advisors are testament to the belief in the prod­uct and its poten­tial.”

The com­pany’s new corporate website is avail­able at www.icenipharma.com

About Iceni™ Pharma­ceu­ticals

Iceni™ Pharma­ceu­ticals develops cancer ther­a­pies, specialising in repurposing and reformulating existing drugs as com­bi­na­tion ther­a­pies for new indi­ca­tions. Using this strategy, given the estab­lish­ed safety profile, much of the initial cost and risk surrounding the drug devel­op­ment process can be reduced, while patients should benefit from having more rapid access to new treat­ments. Iceni™ Pharma­ceu­ticals has a broad intellectual property portfolio, with granted and pending patents covering both method of use and prod­uct formulations in all major territories. The Company, formerly Big DNA Ltd, recently com­pleted a £0.5m investment round from internal share­holders, in­­clud­ing London-based Imprimatur Capital and the Scottish Investment Bank. Iceni Pharma­ceu­ticals builds on the expertise in biologics and DNA vaccine devel­op­ment at Big DNA Ltd.

About Cilcane®

Iceni Pharma lead drug can­di­date Cilcane® (generic name cilengitide) is being developed initially for the treat­ment of multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a debilitating and incurable cancer with no cure, and side effects of current treat­ments can be severe. Cilcane® is a pentapeptide drug with an excellent safety profile and a novel mech­a­nism of action compared to existing myeloma treat­ments, Research suggests the prod­uct will be synergistic in com­bi­na­tion with a pro­te­a­some inhibitor, a class of drug normally given as a front line treat­ment for this disease and that this ap­proach can also be extended to the treat­ment of other cancers, in­­clud­ing breast cancer.

Cilengitide has been involved in over 30 clin­i­cal trials to date in­­clud­ing extensive Phase III testing at Merck Serono for the treat­ment of glioblastoma (a type of brain cancer). Whilst the drug had an excellent safety profile, devel­op­ment as a mono­therapy in glioblastoma was terminated by Merck Serono in 2013. With many of the same scientific team now work­ing with Iceni to further develop Cilcane®, the com­pany is looking to take the drug forward into human clin­i­cal trials during 2017 for the treat­ment of multiple myeloma, an incurable cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

Source: Iceni.

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